Tuesday, May 31, 2011

JMC Live Memorial Day Special

On part 1 of tonights JMC LIVE show we celebrated Miranda's birthday today and she shared a funny story of something that happened when she was about to be born.

As well as Breaking news of the day and......

Students Who "Support" Free Speech Want to Ban Conservatives From Radio & TV

Graduating Seniors Say Prayer Despite Atheist Complaints


While Christians In Eastern Countries Are Attacked and Killed Western Countries Do Nothing To Try And Stop Them

Algerian Churches Face Closure After Government Says They Are Operating "illegally"

In part 2 of tonights Memorial Day Special We discussed....

Judge Rules Pastor Can Say "Jesus Christ" In Memorial Day Prayer


Those Left Homeless By Joplin MO. Twister Celebrate Remaining Blessings


Monday, May 23, 2011

JMC LIVE 5-21-11 End Of The World Special

We had a show tonight which means the world has not come to an End! So we discussed in part one of tonights JMC LIVE show
Breaking News of the Day as well as News Of The Week.......

16 dead, dozens injured as violence erupts along Israel's borders with Syria

Secret Service Interegate 13 Yr. Old Over Facebook Post

PROTESTORS at "Prayer for Israel" event at Cornerstone church

Youth Event Volunteer Says Church Has Failed Todays Youth Bribing Them With Pizza And Video Game Gospel

Councilman To Introduce Bill That Would Make Watching Porn In NY Libraries A Misdemeanor

Sketchers Shape Up Shoes For 7 yr olds Has Many Parents Outraged

In Part 2 of Tonights Show we discussed How the World did NOT come to an end and the rapture did NOT happen as Radio Preacher Mr. Camping predicted and just what Biblical Scripture says about when the Rapture will Happen and when the world will come to an end.

As well as what the bible says about guarding ourselves against false teachers and false prophets.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

JMC Live FRI 13th Special

In Part 1 of our Friday The 13th Special We discussed....

Breaking News of the Day as well as, News of the week including

Supporting Israel Dangerous in California

Navy Does An About Face On Gay Marriage In Military

Egyptians, Jordinians March In Support Of Palestine Becoming Own Country


Hamas Happy With Obama's Pledge Of 90 Million Dollars

In part 2 of our Friday The 13th Special we continued discussing News of the week covering

Reverend Billy Graham Hospitalized For Pneumonia

Sexual Predators Using Facebook To Share Distubing Images

Miranda's Mom's Womens Shelter Interviewed About rise In women Seeking Help From Abusive Relationships After Local Womon Is Murdered by Abusive Husband

And Our Main Topics For This Weeks Show were

Atheist Entrepreneur Offers Pet Care To Owners Who Have Been Raptured

Obama Advisor Compares Christians To Al-Qaida

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Funny Moments With The Caverley's "In A Pickle....Jar"

After 2 months of trying to open a pickle jar with no success, Jeremy and I ask my mother to see if she can open it? In less than 5 minutes, and taking a butter knife to the lid and popping the seal Jeremy was finally able to enjoy his pickles!

We were laughing so hard because, it made us think of the Cosby Show episode where Elvin Tells Clair that opening a jar of pickles is "a man's job" So Elvin tries to open the jar of pickles.  He tries and tries and tries, and even gets down on his knees on the floor, but it's no use.  Then Saundra comes in the kitchen and tells Elvin to let her try to open the jar of pickles.  Saundra takes the pickles hits the bottom of jar, sets the jar on the counter and opens the jar of pickles without much effort!  Clair then tells Saundra "thanks Saundra, you're a real Man!"

The question is "how many Caverley's does it take to open a jar of pickles?" Answer, "none, it takes the mother in-law to get the job done" LOL

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

JMC Live Podcast


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God Bless
JMC Ministries

Monday, May 2, 2011

JMC LIVE 4-30-11 Porn In Libraries And Homosexuality A Gift From God Not Sin

In part 1 of tonights JMC LIVE Show we discussed.....

Breaking News of the day as well as

300 DEAD-163 Tornadoes in a 24hr period

11 Christians in Iran are in COURT over their Faith

Anti-Life and Anti-Christian Vandalism hits PA University in midst of Holy Week

Reverend David Wilkerson Author of Book "The Cross And The Switchblade" Dies In Car Crash In Texas

Owners Of Hobby Lobby Stores Buy 30,000 Rare Biblical Texts and Artifacts

School Tries To Block Pastor From Speaking To Students At Career Day

In part 2 of tonights JMC LIVE we discussed....

SAY WHAT?!! Ohio Church Says Homosexuality A Gift From God Not A Sin

Miranda Caverley's Article For Active Christian Media
"New York Libraries Allow Porn To Be Watched In Public