Tuesday, December 17, 2019
JMC LIVE 2019 Christmas Show
Jeremy and Miranda Performing some of their favorite Christmas songs on guitar, piano, saxophone, and clarinet
Songs Performed
When Love Came Down
O Holy Night
What Child Is This
Carol Of The Bells
Theme From Mickey's Christmas Carol
Christmas Time Is Here
For Unto Us A Child Is Born/Open The Eyes Of My Heart
Joy To The World
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
Home For The Holidays
We Wish You A Merry Christmas
O Christmas Tree
All Songs performed on tonights show are available for FREE Downloading at
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
JMC Bytes: Jesus Loves The Children Of The World
Jesus Loves The Children Of The World
Bible Scripture Matthew 19:13, 14
Matthew 18:5, 6
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
JMC LIVE 10-21-19 Forgiveness
On this month's JMC LIVE show we will be talking about the F word...Forgiveness
and how one man through the love of Jesus Christ was able to forgive the police officer that shot and killed his brother. We will also look at scripture from the bible on Forgiveness.
Songs performed tonight are...an original song written and performed by Miranda "Wind Upon The Waves" and Jeremy is performing the praise song "No Longer Slaves"
The Boy Who Stood at the Flagpole Alone
Man Forgives Ex-Cop Who Killed His Brother: 'If You Go to God and Ask Him, He Will Forgive You' https://www.charismanews.com/video/78261-man-forgives-ex-cop-who-killed-his-brother-if-you-go-to-god-and-ask-him-he-will-forgive-you?fbclid=IwAR2vQHiDEPJZwXSWld1ah7rKn421_TAzMtDLt7YGk-Qac6PAD2poA3fQbP0
Freedom From Religion Foundation Files Complaint Against Judge Tammy Kemp For Giving Amber Guyger Her Bible https://dfw.cbslocal.com/2019/10/03/freedom-religion-foundation-complaint-against-judge-tammy-kemp-amber-guyger-bible/?fbclid=IwAR2RobSMi78FwE3mbU-XqhEM4XZeP4FV_I6HKiJrj5HTJ_PLNrCx4KFKL3o
Saturday, October 19, 2019
EFN: 2,411 Aborted Babies Found At Former Abortion Doctor's Properties
JMC Ministries presents Eternal Flame News
Jeremy and Miranda will be sharing the news of Indiana abortion doctor who was found to have hoarded 2,411 dead babies bodies in his home and vehicle after his death in september 2019
As well as about Mark and Amber Archer who have been making a documentary about this abortion doctor and his multiple abortion clinics that were shut down in 2016 and how the death of this doctor and the discoveries of the 2,411 aborted babies has affected the release of their documentary.
There is so much about this former abortion doctor that the mainstream media is NOT covering in depth about that we feel needs to be shared and heard.
A Vision From God: The Path Of Man's Destruction Is Paved With The Bodies Of The Innocent
Over 2,000 fetal remains found at ex-abortion doctor’s home
Thousands of patient records found at Indiana abortion clinics run by doctor who hoarded remains at home
Indiana AG: 165 more fetal remains linked to late doctor
Mark and Amber Archer website
Inwood Drive Documentary website
Interview with the Abortionist - Part One
Interview with the Abortionist - Part Two
Interview with the Abortionist - Part Three
Interview with the Abortionist - Part Four
California becomes first state to require access to abortion medication at public colleges
Thursday, October 10, 2019
JMC Bytes: Don't Tire Of Waiting
Our Devotional Video for the month of October 2019
Reading from the devotional book "Walk By Faith" by Angus Buchan
Friday, October 4, 2019
10 Hour Gaming Marathon to support Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation
ARCHIVED videos of the 10 hour gaming marathon to support Crohn's & Colitis Foundation
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
From the mind of Jeremy: My view of Miranda’s Crohn’s battle
From the mind of Jeremy: My view of Miranda’s Crohn’s battle
We would never know that meeting that February 2007 on the 14th, Valentine’s Day and stopping by McDonalds as seen here in this picture, that Miranda was less than a year from the beginning of the fight of her life.
The first sign came later that year in July 2007, less than two weeks after I got out of the Coast Guard. Miranda showed her first notable signs of fatigue and illness. Later, in September 2007, Miranda would pass out at work and was taken by ambulance to the ER.
From 2008 through 2011, Miranda would end up begin admitted to the hospital multiple times, and each time a new misdiagnoses would be given. This would be the many years of searching from various people in the medical community from 2007 to 2011.
Then in finally happened, September 7, 2011 will be etched in our memories forever. This date we were told Miranda has Crohn’s disease.
To quote Miranda, “Jesus Christ suffered more than any person on this Earth, and He through His suffering saved the whole world. Just think, what God can accomplish through my suffering.”
Now from my own viewpoint, I can say, that this road, our life journey, has brought us moments of joy, and happiness, and moments of tears of sadness, and frustration. But through it all, Jesus Christ has been here for us.
Then 2016, we thought we were going to lose Miranda. Three times after using the Remicaid and twice after using the Entyvio, Miranda would have a reaction from the medication. This is known as an anaphylactic reaction that could have killed her in 15 minutes if counter medication was not available.
We would never know that meeting that February 2007 on the 14th, Valentine’s Day and stopping by McDonalds as seen here in this picture, that Miranda was less than a year from the beginning of the fight of her life.
The first sign came later that year in July 2007, less than two weeks after I got out of the Coast Guard. Miranda showed her first notable signs of fatigue and illness. Later, in September 2007, Miranda would pass out at work and was taken by ambulance to the ER.
From 2008 through 2011, Miranda would end up begin admitted to the hospital multiple times, and each time a new misdiagnoses would be given. This would be the many years of searching from various people in the medical community from 2007 to 2011.
Then in finally happened, September 7, 2011 will be etched in our memories forever. This date we were told Miranda has Crohn’s disease.
To quote Miranda, “Jesus Christ suffered more than any person on this Earth, and He through His suffering saved the whole world. Just think, what God can accomplish through my suffering.”
Now from my own viewpoint, I can say, that this road, our life journey, has brought us moments of joy, and happiness, and moments of tears of sadness, and frustration. But through it all, Jesus Christ has been here for us.

A caregiver’s sacrifice:
This Crohn’s disease battle has cost me friendships, jobs, ministry opportunities, and what others would call a “normal life.” My whole world revolves around Miranda’s schedule of appointments, her lack of sleep due to illness and pain, trips to the store, and multiple phone calls.
Not every day is a good day. Some days are a Miranda focused only day, but we take what we can get, as more time together is spent with care, love, compassion and with the knowing our faith will carry us through.
Jeremy Michael Caverley
JMC Ministries
Friday, September 13, 2019
JMC Crohn's & Colitis Gaming Marathon PROMO
Help Us Raise Money to support those fighting Crohn's and Colitis
through our 10 hour gaming marathon on Sept 20, 2019 from 12p.m to
10p.m. EST streaming at jmclive.com and facebook.com/jmcministries
Click to donate: https://fundraise.ccfa.org/jmcministries
You can donate from today until the end of the marathon at 10p.m.
Eastern on September 20, 2019
--For every 10 dollars that you donate you will be put into a drawing
for original art work of super mario brothers video game characters
painted by Miranda's mom
--For every 20 dollars that you donate you will be put into a drawing to
win a crocheted hat and scarf
--For every 50 dollars that you donate you will be put into a drawing to
win the New Avengers End Game Movie
--For every 100 dollars that you donate you will be put into a drawing
to win Mario Maker 2 for the nintendo switch
To participate in prize drawings you must live in the U.S.
Games we will be playing
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Super Mario Brothers 3
JMC Bytes Devotional Series: Elijah's God
Reading from the Devotional Book "Walking By Faith" by Angus Buchan
JMC LIVE Interviews Pastor of Lighthouse Christian Church
Host Jeremy Caverley interviews Jerry Ghirardo Executive Pastor of Lighthouse Christian Church In Novato California
To learn more about Lighthouse Christian Church visit
And make sure you subscribe to their youtube channel
JMC LIVE Interviews Andy Lewis of Lighthouse Christian Church
Host Jeremy Caverley interviews Andy Lewis who is the Drummer of Lighthouse Christian Church and works for Lighthouse Productions
To learn more about Lighthouse Christian Church in Novato California visi
And also subscribe to their youtube channel
JMC LIVE 8-12-19 When We are Weak He is Strong
Hosts Jeremy and Miranda Caverley
Perform songs "You Said" and "Daylight Fades" an original song written by Miranda
Topics are Socialism violates all 10 commandments
News article attacks Christian Music Industry for not being inclusive enough
How God will send help to us at times you need it to accomplish His Will when we are too weak
Sunday, July 28, 2019
JMC LIVE 7-15-19 Freedom
Songs performed Won't Let Go and America The Beautiful
Topics Discussed
John Wesley
Others May, You Cannot
History of America The Beautiful
History of Betsy Ross and the Betsy Ross Flag
5 Sermons to celebrate America's Independence
Independence Poem Written By Jeremy Caverley
Rights to songs performed belong to their respected owners
Rights to JMC LIVE intro song belong to Jeremy and Miranda Caverley
Rights to images used belong to their respected owners
Topics Discussed
John Wesley
Others May, You Cannot
History of America The Beautiful
History of Betsy Ross and the Betsy Ross Flag
5 Sermons to celebrate America's Independence
Independence Poem Written By Jeremy Caverley
Rights to songs performed belong to their respected owners
Rights to JMC LIVE intro song belong to Jeremy and Miranda Caverley
Rights to images used belong to their respected owners
Thursday, July 4, 2019
JMC LIVE 6-24-19 A Matter Of Faith
Topic for show Faith
Due to Technical problems we could not share the music portion of the show here is the link to it
you can listen and download the songs You Won't Relent and Here I am To Worship for free at www.reverbnation.com/jmcministries
Introduction song rights belong to Jeremy and Miranda Caverley
Images used belong to their respected owners
Monday, May 13, 2019
JMC LIVE 5-13-19 God's Wisdom Given To Those He Has Called To Preach His...
Songs Performed
Lead Me To The Cross, This Is Love
Israel Bombed with over 600 Rockets
God's Wisdom Given to those he has called to preach his word
Scriptures shared
Ecclesiastes 7:12
Ephesians 3:7, 8
Galations 1:8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Hosea 4:6
JMC LIVE Easter 2019 Special
Topic is Sacrifice
Songs performed
Love Ran Red. Above All, The Love Will never Lose it's power, Why
News Articles
Former USC football player says teammates shredded Bibles he gifted them
Here are 7 times Texas officials have fought over Christmas
Faith Memorial Church and their Illegal Involvement in Fairfield County Public School Bible Clubs
4 CHAPLAINS of the USAT Dorchester
Takeshi Miura & Miki Endo
The Selfless Heroism of Mr. Arland Dean Williams Jr, Citadel Graduate, American Veteran. Hero.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Who Is JMC Ministries
Jeremy and Miranda share about Who they are and what they do to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through JMC Ministries
Ministry Website http://www.jmcministries.com
JMC LIVE website http://www.jmclive.com
Monday, March 11, 2019
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
JMC LIVE Interviews Jan Villarubia and Tiffany Leeper
JMC LIVE Interviews Jan Villarubia member of the Pink Cross Foundation and Tiffany Leeper founder of Girls Against Porn. http://www.girlsagainstporn.com
Jan and Tiffany will be talking with us about The Founder of the Pink Cross Foundation Shelley Lubben and her recent death. How members of the Pink Cross Foundation and others are working to continue Shelley's Ministry helping men and women know about the dangers of pornography as well as helping men and women leave the porn industry.
To Contact Jan Villarubia email stopthedemand@yahoo.com
To Contact Tifffany Leeper www.girlsagainstporn.com
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
A Vision From God: The Path Of Man's Destruction Is Paved With The Bodies Of The Innocent
Vision from the Lord Given to Miranda Fannin Caverley Of JMC Ministries the week of January 7, 2019
This vision I share now is only because the Lord has told me to, and not in the pursuit of money, wealth, fame or recognition. But to share God’s truth in hope that one day, someone will read these things and repent and be saved through the blood of Jesus Christ.
The week of January 7, 2019
I went to sleep and found myself along a dirt road that was on the outskirts of a big city. There were dozens of people standing along this road, and it was very hot and the dust from the road kept blowing into my face. I looked down the road to the right of me, and saw a bridge like that of an overpass that cars drive on, and just beyond the bridge I saw this giant machine.
It was unlike any machine I have ever seen in my life, and hard to describe. It was an enormous machine that stood as tall as a 2 or 3 story building. It had Giant wheels that stood 2 or 3 stories tall as well. On Each wheel there were Giant Spikes, there were 8 of these Giant wheels on this machine, 4 in the front and 4 in the back. And On each spike on each wheel there was the body of a baby that had been speared through the head. When I saw this I began crying uncontrollably.
As the Giant machine rolled down the dirt road, each time the wheels met the ground the babies bodies were ground into the road and buried. I could NOT bear to look at this and turned my head away. I then looked towards the people standing along the road watching this scene. Some people were standing there with no emotion at all, while others mostly women were screaming and weeping uncontrollably and falling on their knees along the road. I realized these women and men who were screaming and weeping were doing so because their babies were on that machine
As the machine came closer to me, the wind blew and the smell of death filled the air and I felt sick smelling the dead bodies of the babies. It was then that I heard an angel speak and say “THE PATH OF MAN’S DESTRUCTION IS PAVED WITH THE BODIES OF THE INNOCENT” “THIS MACHINE IS THE DEMON OF ABORTION THAT SEEKS TO KILL THE INNOCENT OF THE WORLD”
I then heard the angel speak to me again and He said “IT WOULD BE BETTER A MILL STONE BE WRAPPED AROUND THEIR NECKS AND THEY BE THROWN INTO THE SEA THAN TO HARM ONE OF THESE LITTLE ONES” the bible scripture Matthew Chapter 18 Verse 6, the words Jesus spoke.
After the angel said this to me, I saw a woman standing near me. I approached her and asked, “why are all the babies speared through the head?” The woman with no emotion on her face replied “Oh they do that because that is the fastest way to kill them and they don’t cry for very long.” I was horrified when I heard this woman say this to me as if it was a normal conversation like talking about the weather.
The other thing I noticed about the babies was that they were all different ages. There was also no blood coming out of them, as if all the blood had been previously drained from their bodies, and this confused me.
It was at this point that I realized I was NOT awake, and I suddenly woke up. I was nauseated and my head was spinning from what I had seen in the vision.
Now I must tell you that I have never in my life studied or watched videos about abortion, or the techniques used to kill a baby in the womb, partially born or killed right after it is born. I have always prayed against the killing of babies being aborted and have my entire spoke out against the killing of babies but never exposed myself visually to what abortion looks like.
I know without a doubt this was a true vision from God.
So after this vision I began praying and studying about the techniques used to kill a baby in the womb. I found that in 1983 a Dr. McMahon used the technique of stabbing a baby in the skull to kill it as a new technique to abort babies and majority of times this abortion technique was used was to kill a full term baby. You can easily find this information on google under the history of abortion.
I cried to God and prayed wanting to understand more why I was shown this vision now. My answer came just 2 weeks later on January 22, 2019
Tuesday January 22, 2019 New York State signed into Law the most radial abortion law ever passed in U.S. History. The law states that a woman can kill her baby all the way to her due date, for any reason that she chooses. The videos that the news is posting, show men and women cheering as the governor of New York signs the law. They also announce that the freedom towers in New York City will be lit up the color Pink at night for all to see in celebration of this new law.
When I saw this on the news, I realized why the babies in my vision had no blood coming out of them when they were speared on the machine. It was because their blood is on the hands of the men and women who passed these laws, and performed these killings of the babies.
After this abortion bill was passed in New York state, today January 30, 2019 it was announced on the news that a democrat woman from Virginia wants to create an abortion bill to pass into law that is even more radical than the one passed in New York.
I tell you that there is a wave of evil coming to the United States and the world if Christians do not become bold and courageous and stand up for the unborn children as well as the born children in the world.
We must remember in history Satan used many to order the killing of innocent babies and children to try and stop the Will of God. Pharaoh ordered the killing of Jewish babies in Egypt to try and kill Moses. Herod ordered the killing of babies in Bethlehem to kill Jesus. Hitler ordered the killing of Jewish babies and children.
The demon slaughtering the innocent is a giant that seems to keep growing century after century because of the evil that has grown within the heart of man, as more countries pass laws to allow the killing of those inside the womb and outside the womb. We are seeing an increase of not just abortion laws passing but also euthanasia laws passing through govt. Not just in the U.S.A but across the world.
As Christians we cannot not stop at just speaking out and working to protect the unborn, we must also continue speaking out and protecting children and the innocent once they are born, so many children in need of loving homes, so many women who have chosen not to abort their babies and keep them need support after their baby is born.
We see the headlines nearly every day about some mother or father killing their young children. We all have a role to play in some way whether it be big or small to help the children unborn and born in this world. Pray and seek God on what He wants you to do.
You reading this I am sure are wondering “what can I do? I will tell you what God told me to do.
1. Pray intercessory prayer for the unborn babies in this world that God protect them.
2. Pray intercessory prayer for the women and men considering killing their unborn baby and also born babies and children. That God open their eyes and help the realize they do not need to kill their child/children
3. Pray intercessory prayer for the Doctors and nurses that are performing this murders that God change their heart and open their eyes to what they are really doing, and they stop murdering unborn babies
4. Boldly speak out against abortion and also euthanasia, take a stand, but not in hate, but in love without violence and without malice.
5. When it comes time to vote, forget about political parties and vote as God would lead you.
I know if we do not take a stand against the killing of innocent children around the world. God will surely shorten our days as Jesus says in the book of Matthew.
This vision I share now is only because the Lord has told me to, and not in the pursuit of money, wealth, fame or recognition. But to share God’s truth in hope that one day, someone will read these things and repent and be saved through the blood of Jesus Christ.
The week of January 7, 2019
I went to sleep and found myself along a dirt road that was on the outskirts of a big city. There were dozens of people standing along this road, and it was very hot and the dust from the road kept blowing into my face. I looked down the road to the right of me, and saw a bridge like that of an overpass that cars drive on, and just beyond the bridge I saw this giant machine.
It was unlike any machine I have ever seen in my life, and hard to describe. It was an enormous machine that stood as tall as a 2 or 3 story building. It had Giant wheels that stood 2 or 3 stories tall as well. On Each wheel there were Giant Spikes, there were 8 of these Giant wheels on this machine, 4 in the front and 4 in the back. And On each spike on each wheel there was the body of a baby that had been speared through the head. When I saw this I began crying uncontrollably.
As the Giant machine rolled down the dirt road, each time the wheels met the ground the babies bodies were ground into the road and buried. I could NOT bear to look at this and turned my head away. I then looked towards the people standing along the road watching this scene. Some people were standing there with no emotion at all, while others mostly women were screaming and weeping uncontrollably and falling on their knees along the road. I realized these women and men who were screaming and weeping were doing so because their babies were on that machine
As the machine came closer to me, the wind blew and the smell of death filled the air and I felt sick smelling the dead bodies of the babies. It was then that I heard an angel speak and say “THE PATH OF MAN’S DESTRUCTION IS PAVED WITH THE BODIES OF THE INNOCENT” “THIS MACHINE IS THE DEMON OF ABORTION THAT SEEKS TO KILL THE INNOCENT OF THE WORLD”
I then heard the angel speak to me again and He said “IT WOULD BE BETTER A MILL STONE BE WRAPPED AROUND THEIR NECKS AND THEY BE THROWN INTO THE SEA THAN TO HARM ONE OF THESE LITTLE ONES” the bible scripture Matthew Chapter 18 Verse 6, the words Jesus spoke.
After the angel said this to me, I saw a woman standing near me. I approached her and asked, “why are all the babies speared through the head?” The woman with no emotion on her face replied “Oh they do that because that is the fastest way to kill them and they don’t cry for very long.” I was horrified when I heard this woman say this to me as if it was a normal conversation like talking about the weather.
The other thing I noticed about the babies was that they were all different ages. There was also no blood coming out of them, as if all the blood had been previously drained from their bodies, and this confused me.
It was at this point that I realized I was NOT awake, and I suddenly woke up. I was nauseated and my head was spinning from what I had seen in the vision.
Now I must tell you that I have never in my life studied or watched videos about abortion, or the techniques used to kill a baby in the womb, partially born or killed right after it is born. I have always prayed against the killing of babies being aborted and have my entire spoke out against the killing of babies but never exposed myself visually to what abortion looks like.
I know without a doubt this was a true vision from God.
So after this vision I began praying and studying about the techniques used to kill a baby in the womb. I found that in 1983 a Dr. McMahon used the technique of stabbing a baby in the skull to kill it as a new technique to abort babies and majority of times this abortion technique was used was to kill a full term baby. You can easily find this information on google under the history of abortion.
I cried to God and prayed wanting to understand more why I was shown this vision now. My answer came just 2 weeks later on January 22, 2019
Tuesday January 22, 2019 New York State signed into Law the most radial abortion law ever passed in U.S. History. The law states that a woman can kill her baby all the way to her due date, for any reason that she chooses. The videos that the news is posting, show men and women cheering as the governor of New York signs the law. They also announce that the freedom towers in New York City will be lit up the color Pink at night for all to see in celebration of this new law.
When I saw this on the news, I realized why the babies in my vision had no blood coming out of them when they were speared on the machine. It was because their blood is on the hands of the men and women who passed these laws, and performed these killings of the babies.
After this abortion bill was passed in New York state, today January 30, 2019 it was announced on the news that a democrat woman from Virginia wants to create an abortion bill to pass into law that is even more radical than the one passed in New York.
I tell you that there is a wave of evil coming to the United States and the world if Christians do not become bold and courageous and stand up for the unborn children as well as the born children in the world.
We must remember in history Satan used many to order the killing of innocent babies and children to try and stop the Will of God. Pharaoh ordered the killing of Jewish babies in Egypt to try and kill Moses. Herod ordered the killing of babies in Bethlehem to kill Jesus. Hitler ordered the killing of Jewish babies and children.
The demon slaughtering the innocent is a giant that seems to keep growing century after century because of the evil that has grown within the heart of man, as more countries pass laws to allow the killing of those inside the womb and outside the womb. We are seeing an increase of not just abortion laws passing but also euthanasia laws passing through govt. Not just in the U.S.A but across the world.
As Christians we cannot not stop at just speaking out and working to protect the unborn, we must also continue speaking out and protecting children and the innocent once they are born, so many children in need of loving homes, so many women who have chosen not to abort their babies and keep them need support after their baby is born.
We see the headlines nearly every day about some mother or father killing their young children. We all have a role to play in some way whether it be big or small to help the children unborn and born in this world. Pray and seek God on what He wants you to do.
You reading this I am sure are wondering “what can I do? I will tell you what God told me to do.
1. Pray intercessory prayer for the unborn babies in this world that God protect them.
2. Pray intercessory prayer for the women and men considering killing their unborn baby and also born babies and children. That God open their eyes and help the realize they do not need to kill their child/children
3. Pray intercessory prayer for the Doctors and nurses that are performing this murders that God change their heart and open their eyes to what they are really doing, and they stop murdering unborn babies
4. Boldly speak out against abortion and also euthanasia, take a stand, but not in hate, but in love without violence and without malice.
5. When it comes time to vote, forget about political parties and vote as God would lead you.
I know if we do not take a stand against the killing of innocent children around the world. God will surely shorten our days as Jesus says in the book of Matthew.
Monday, January 14, 2019
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