Wednesday, September 18, 2019

From the mind of Jeremy: My view of Miranda’s Crohn’s battle

From the mind of Jeremy: My view of Miranda’s Crohn’s battle

We would never know that meeting that February 2007 on the 14th, Valentine’s Day and stopping by McDonalds as seen here in this picture, that Miranda was less than a year from the beginning of the fight of her life.

The first sign came later that year in July 2007, less than two weeks after I got out of the Coast Guard. Miranda showed her first notable signs of fatigue and illness. Later, in September 2007, Miranda would pass out at work and was taken by ambulance to the ER.

From 2008 through 2011, Miranda would end up begin admitted to the hospital multiple times, and each time a new misdiagnoses would be given. This would be the many years of searching from various people in the medical community from 2007 to 2011.

Then in finally happened, September 7, 2011 will be etched in our memories forever. This date we were told Miranda has Crohn’s disease.

To quote Miranda, “Jesus Christ suffered more than any person on this Earth, and He through His suffering saved the whole world. Just think, what God can accomplish through my suffering.”

Now from my own viewpoint, I can say, that this road, our life journey, has brought us moments of joy, and happiness, and moments of tears of sadness, and frustration. But through it all, Jesus Christ has been here for us.

Then 2016, we thought we were going to lose Miranda. Three times after using the Remicaid and twice after using the Entyvio, Miranda would have a reaction from the medication. This is known as an anaphylactic reaction that could have killed her in 15 minutes if counter medication was not available.

A caregiver’s sacrifice: 
This Crohn’s disease battle has cost me friendships, jobs, ministry opportunities, and what others would call a “normal life.” My whole world revolves around Miranda’s schedule of appointments, her lack of sleep due to illness and pain, trips to the store, and multiple phone calls.
Not every day is a good day. Some days are a Miranda focused only day, but we take what we can get, as more time together is spent with care, love, compassion and with the knowing our faith will carry us through. 

Jeremy Michael Caverley
JMC Ministries 

Friday, September 13, 2019

JMC Crohn's & Colitis Gaming Marathon PROMO

Help Us Raise Money to support those fighting Crohn's and Colitis
through our 10 hour gaming marathon on Sept 20, 2019 from 12p.m to
10p.m. EST streaming at and

Click to donate:

You can donate from today until the end of the marathon at 10p.m.
Eastern on September 20, 2019

--For every 10 dollars that you donate you will be put into a drawing
for original art work of super mario brothers video game characters
painted by Miranda's mom

--For every 20 dollars that you donate you will be put into a drawing to
win a crocheted hat and scarf
--For every 50 dollars that you donate you will be put into a drawing to
win the New Avengers End Game Movie

--For every 100 dollars that you donate you will be put into a drawing
to win Mario Maker 2 for the nintendo switch

To participate in prize drawings you must live in the U.S.

Games we will be playing


Kirby's Epic Yarn

Super Mario Brothers 3


JMC Bytes Devotional Series: Elijah's God

Reading from the Devotional Book "Walking By Faith" by Angus Buchan

JMC LIVE Interviews Pastor of Lighthouse Christian Church

Host Jeremy Caverley interviews Jerry Ghirardo Executive Pastor of Lighthouse Christian Church In Novato California

To learn more about Lighthouse Christian Church visit

And make sure you subscribe to their youtube channel

JMC LIVE Interviews Andy Lewis of Lighthouse Christian Church

Host Jeremy Caverley interviews Andy Lewis who is the Drummer of Lighthouse Christian Church and works for Lighthouse Productions

To learn more about Lighthouse Christian Church in Novato California visi

And also subscribe to their youtube channel

JMC LIVE 8-12-19 When We are Weak He is Strong

Hosts Jeremy and Miranda Caverley
Perform songs "You Said" and "Daylight Fades" an original song written by Miranda
Topics are Socialism violates all 10 commandments
News article attacks Christian Music Industry for not being inclusive enough
How God will send help to us at times you need it to accomplish His Will when we are too weak