Monday, June 22, 2009

Have Reality Shows Gone Too Far?

Jeremy and I have been watching the TV Reality Show "I'm A Celebrity Get Me Outta Here" where they drop famous people in the Costa Rican jungle and they have been living there for 3 weeks. They are living on most of the time rice and beans unless they win a food challenge and then they get real nutritious food. Their challenges have lead to one being bitten by rats and having to have medical attention for it and being put in a tank with live alligators and snakes that could have bitten them.

Every week someone has been sent to the hospital for medical treatment. Everyone has been literally eaten alive from insect bites. Each person that had to have medical treatment and sent to the hospital suffered from stomach or bowel problems. But today was the kicker Stephen Baldwin left the show yesterday and was hospitalized he said he was unable to keep food down and was having stomach problems. However that is not the end of his ordeal he had over 100 insect bites on his body and when inspected they found out that the insects that had bitten him had laid parasite eggs inside of his body. Stephen also lost 22 lbs in 3 weeks. The eggs were removed at the hospital and he is recovering.

To me TV Reality producers and directors have gone too far. When will we draw the line on how far these shows can go and endanger peoples lives?

The sad part to me is that the show will not end until this Thursday and there are still 5 people left on the show to endure more torture just to raise some money for charity. They are starving being eaten alive by insects being forced into games that are endangering their lives and for what a few TV Ratings?

After hearing about this today Jeremy and I are no longer watching the show we only watched it to vote for Stephen Baldwin and since this has happened to him and 2 other people that were on the show we are done with it.

I know some of the people on the show have been very mean like Spencer and Heidi Pratt and Janice Dickenson but it no one deserves to be put into this kind of situation. My heart goes out to all of them and I pray they all survive this without any life long health problems.

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