Friday, December 3, 2010

To Live

I know what it is like to be homeless, sleeping at shelters, looking for work, unemployment, being laid off, and the loss of loved ones, and other horrible things you wouldn't believe.

I say this because this world will NOT get any better! It is by the love of Jesus Christ he captivates you, holding you tight through the storms of life. This world is not all He has to offer us. Eternal life is the key goal.

To live in this world means to not be of it. You see from the political spectrum and things you hear on the news, bad things happen not only to bad people but good as well.

To be a follower of Jesus Christ means to "mimic, imitate" His ways. Quit walking in your own power! You will NOT make it! You will FAIL!

2 things "Christians" fail to do. 1. Ask Jesus to help them and MOVE out of the way. 2. Ask others Christians to help them in their walk.

Learn to say, " I can't do this on my own." Will save you many times IF you follow with, " Jesus take care of me because I need you to save me from myself & others."

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